Adult day care center
From the beginning until now, the Foundation for Elderly Care (FEC) offers direct and free services for elderly people. The Adult Day Care Center members are able to know, to communicate with people the same age, to spend time in a friendly and encouraging place. By participating in the Day Center activities, elderly feel that as a ”therapeutic tool” that prevents the feeling of worthlessness, they are facing the loneliness and sometimes, social rejection.
Foundation for Elderly Care has available for the implementation of its programs, a space in Cluj-Napoca, with an area of 250 sqm, near kindergarten “Dwarfs Academy”, Tazlău Str., no. 11. For this space we have concluded a lease no. 1087/21.05.2009 with the Municipality of Cluj-Napoca – Budget Management Nursery Centre, for a period of 4 years (2013-2017), with the possibility of extension.
In carrying out its programs, FEC has established relationships with Cluj-Napoca City Hall – Department of Social and Medical Assistance, Department of Labor and Social Protection Cluj, the General Directorate of Social Work and Child Protection, Health Insurance County House Cluj, Medical College Cluj, Order of Nurses and Midwives in Cluj, Babes–Bolyai – Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Volunteer Center Cluj, County Library “Octavian Goga, Cluj, County Police Inspectorate, SeniorNet Network of NGOs – for Elderly Care, Association of Mutual Help Cluj, Association Maltese Relief Service in Romania, Caritas Romania, and other NGO’s working in Cluj and in the country and aimed at improving the quality of life of elderly people in Romania.
In 2014, FEC’s programs have been funded by:
• Municipality of Cluj-Napoca – Cluj-Napoca City Council
• Health Insurance County House, Cluj
• TEAMCO Foundation of Switzerland
In 2014, for the development of the projects, FEC has received financial and material support from the followed organizations, such as:
• Transylvania College – The Cambridge International School in Cluj
• Association of Mutual Help Cluj
• “Happy Kids” Foundation
• Ruhama Foundation – working point Cluj-Napoca
• New Mar Catering SRL
• Mens Sana in Corpore Sano – Mobile Service of Medical Rehabilitation and Sports
• Individuals
The number of contributing members of the Day Centre is 125 older people, of which 65-70 beneficiaries attend daily scheduled activities. These activities are coordinated by the Seniors Committee, made up of 12 volunteer members, in collaboration with the social worker of FEC. Committee members are elected from among the members of the General Assembly of Day Center. This Committee has the purpose to identify the needs and wishes of the Day Center members, to schedule activities and ensure their implementation in optimal conditions. The Committee is the link between the management committee and members FEC, by sending the elders wishes about the services and activities. It also coordinates the equitable sharing of gifts.
Our services are varied, interesting and useful, as follows:
social activities and leisure
support groups
cultural and artistic activities
literary circles
psychological counceling and emotional support for elders and their families
advocacy services
exercise of physical maitenance
health care: blood pressure, heart rate, the body weight;
health education
distribution goods gethered from donationd (food, clothes, drugs, sanitary and cleanliness materials).
Social activities and leisure occupies an important place in the daily program of Day Care Centre. To be more interesting, the games competitions (chess, backgammon, rummy) are held as true. Each category of game has a graphical way that includes player competitors. At the end of the competition, three prizewinners are rewarded and receive a certificate of participation. The competitions organized were: “Quiz Show” with topics of general culture; “December 1 Cup” – backgammon competition, “Skilled hands” – contest sewing napkins.
New ambition and desire has led some members to initiate English courses and operating personal computer. This course of one hour is carried out twice a week. 15 people attend with great diligence preparing for hours, doing their homework conscientiously, and they are very active every time.
Activities at the Adult Day Care Centre is possible due to donations and sponsorships (in cash and in material products) made by various private companies or individuals, both in the country (VODAFONE Romania Foundation, Malans Initiative Foundation,, “Transylvania College – The Cambridge International School in Cluj, ROTARACT Foundation) and abroad (TEAMCO FOUNDATION SCHWEIZ). The International Airport of Cluj-Napoca, the Foundation has exposed a fundraising box where individuals, Romanian and foreign, contributing through their donations to help the elderly Foundation.
Cultural and artistic activity occupies the most important place among the activities of members of Adult Day Care Centre. Recitations, songs, skits, music and literary sittings, artistic brigades, competitions “Quiz Show” and Gypsy and Folk dances, fail to arouse emotional feelings among spectators true for the “young” artists are rewarded with rounds of applause. Cultural and artistic programs are conducted under the supervision of prof. Alexandru Cucu retired member of FEC. The most important events celebrated each year are:
– artistic program dedicated the birthday of the greatest Romanian poet, “Mihai Eminescu“;
– performance dedicated the Romanian Principalities Unification Day;
– artistic program “Special thoughts – to a dear person“, dedicated to the 8th of March,
– International Women’s Day, program held in several locations: the Municipal House of Culture Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania College – The Cambridge International School in Cluj;
– program synthesis, like an artistic summary “Let us remember together“ during which we review all programs presented during a year;
– event organized to celebrate the International Day of Retire People;
– artistic program presented at the Romanian Armed Forces Day – heroism and sacrifice of the Romanian people in the twentieth century;
– Artistic programs and skits presented at Easter and Christmas;
– Show dedicated to the 1st of December – National Day of Romania, starting each time with Anthem of country continued by the artistic program prepared. The show ends with the awards winners of backgammon – “December 1st Cup“;
– Christmas carols “Celebrating the birth of Jesus“, supported by the artistic team of FEC.
Other important activities of the Adult Day Care Center:
Visits of artistic group members of FEC at:
– visit at the “Ion Creanga” Cluj-Napoca School – a small show support for pupils of VII and VIII class – contact person is Ms. prof. Dr. Doina Rad;
– visit to Turda, the “Ion Ratiu” for Democracy Centre, where our artistic team members gave a performance for elderly from City Day Care Centre of Turda;
– artistic team visit the Day Care Center for the Elderly Sibiu, where they performed the show entitled “Back to Sibiu“;
– visit the Day Care Center for Elderly in Alba-Iulia, where artistic group of FEC was invited for an exchange of experience and to meet other elderly;
– visit to the Middle School Baciu, performing a show for pupils 0-IV and V–VII classes;
– visit Zalau, artistic program entitled “Over Meseş to Zalau” dedicated hospitalized elderly Assistance and Care Care Center “Youth without old age“ from Zalau;
– visit the kindergarten “Dwarfs Academy” with carols show “Celebrating the birth of Jesus” supported by the artistic team of FEC;
– Day Care Center seniors were invited to County Library “Octavian Goga” Cluj, where the Assistance and Care Center Cluj has offered a show in honor of International Day of Persons with Disabilities and on the occasion of Christmas;
– cultural – artistic team of FEC was invited by the Northwest Regional Pact for Employment and Social Inclusion in Central Park, within the Centre for Urban Culture, to support a show within the project “Inclusion through culture and creativity Cluj young!“
– each year we organize the New Year party for all the Day Care Center members where each participant comes with “food” prepared at home, and dance until morning.
Visits by guests from Cluj, in other cities and abroad to Adult Day Care Center:
– Visit from our sponsors from Teamco Foundation in Switzerland, during which the Foundation artistic team prepared hard; they were dressed in traditional costumes and presented a musical garment. On the hall our elders organized an exhibition of Romanian traditional objects (iron with coal, oil lamps, housing, spool etc.), totally new things for them, which greatly impressed them. We also exposed the boxes of memories that were part of the international project of the Reminiscences Center “Memories matters“;
– Visit of a group of students from the United States of America, which are in an exchange of practical experience at University of Babes-Bolyai – Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of Cluj. Teacher practice coordinator of the university organized this visit to FEC, where in the first part of the visit, the social workers presented the activities and services provided in FEC, followed by a discussion – debates session about problems and obstacles encountered the social work profession in working with the elderly, found both in Romania and the USA, how it works in other countries and how to solve some problems. This visit was followed by two weeks of practice from some of the students, based by: socializing and relaxation sessions through music therapy and dance therapy, English language classes, socializing and networking sessions occupational therapy – art-therapy, drawing, painting and building puzzles;
– visit to Day Care Center of a group of singers from the neighbor’s garden “Dwarfs Academy“;
– visit from “60+ in Alba-Iulia” Group – orchestra and soloists folk music, with a special program of folk songs;
– visit from volunteer coordinator of the “Ion Ratiu” for Democracy Centre, which we spoke at length about our activities and theirs, concluding that the elderly have a great potential to become volunteers and many are eager to feel useful in the various activities that may be involved in the foundation;
– representatives visit from Cluj County Police Inspectorate, with whom we signed a cooperation protocol in preventing antisocial acts involving elderly as victims;
Organization of excursions:
In collaboration with SC VOIAJER INFO LLC, members of our Day Care Centre organizes nearly two weeks trips around Cluj and even abroad, as follows:
– trip to Poiana Zânelor route: Năsăud – Sângeorz Băi – Valea Mare – Poiana Zânelor;
– visit the Parliament Palace in Bucharest;
– trip on the route Cluj-Napoca – Park Retezat – Targu–Jiu – Lainici Monastery – Monastery Tismana – Turnu Severin – Orsova (Iron Gates – Herculane Spa;
– trip to Felix, Geoagiu Spa;
– excursie la Crucea lui Avram Iancu din localitatea Mărișel, jud. Cluj, cu ocazia serbării populare tradiționale “Crucea Iancului” Fântânele;
– 100 elderly beneficiaries of the Day Care Center were at the Black Sea, the resort Venus, Corina Hotel 3 *;
– trip to the Tusnad resort, Sovata and Bear Lake, Praid, Homorod Spa, Lake Ciucaş, inside Tușnad Spa, Lake St. Anna Lake;
– trip to Voineasa on the route Cluj-Napoca – Sebeș – Oaşa – Vidra – Voineasa – Căciulata – Sibiu – Alba Iulia – Cluj-Napoca;
– trip to Prislop Monastery, located near the village of Silvașu de Sus, Hunedoara County;
– trip to Avram Iancu’s Cross, Mărișel, Cluj County, at traditional folk celebration “ Iancu’s Cross ” Fântânele;
Literary circles:
Literary event which is held monthly in the literary circle “George Coșbuc ” at Day Care Center, under the direction of mr. president Ioan Vlas member of FEC. Within these circles are presented literary works of Romanian and foreign poets and writers, following by an interactive discussion with participants on the present topics.
Books launched inside of ”George Coșbuc”Literary circle of Adult Day Care Center:
– “Memories of a generation” – inside Centre of Reminiscences, we completed the project which provided our customers by writing the book “Memories of a generation“. It is a book of memoirs, which was printed in January 2011 and conducted with the support of the Vodafone Romania. We organized public launch of the book on 22 March 2011 at University Library in a festive manner with many participants, elderly caregivers, authors of memoirs and many foreigners who saw the poster launch dispayed in the Library’s window.
Printing every 3 months of the FEC’s magazine: “Seniors from Cluj” – in order to continue the literary habits, in early 2011 we collected articles from those who wanted to participate in the establishment of the Foundation magazine, which name is “Seniors from Cluj“. As the book, the magazine appeared at the initiative of literary circle president, Mr. Ioan Vlas, retired bookseller, former directory at University Library of Cluj. There are already a number of 12 journals, most articles are written by members of Day Care Centre. (you can see these prints in Photo Gallery – Prints).
– “Memories of a bookseller” – Ioan Vlas;
– “Destiny’s Traps” – Ioan Hentea;
– “Parallel Destinies” – Lola Ţîmbrescu Ciupeiu;
– “Heroes twist in the grave“ – Maria Buruian;
– “The nostalgia of the memories” – Alexandru Cucu;
– “A view of the world through which I have passed” – Sinefta Vasile;
– “A bookseller reader – Autographs collected over half a century” – Ioan Vlas;
– “Transylvanian parallel and intersecting destinies” – Cornelia Natalia Micuşan;
– “Earth for eternity” – Emil Perșa;
– “Truth and faith in Christ’s Church“, “Faith and science, instruments of knowledge“ and “Pepelea’s nail” – Epigram – Ioan Măgeruşan.
Administrative- organizational activities:
– At the beginning of each year we organize a General Assembly of the members, attended by President of the Foundation, Mr. Dr. Dan Baciu. From the agenda: the report on activities in the last year, determining the amount of contributions for the new year, discuss issues raised by members, proposals, ways of fundraising;
– 15 YEARS OF ANNIVERSARY of the establishment the first Day Care Centre in Cluj-Napoca. The event was organized by the FEC’s President in Transylvania College – The Cambridge International School in Cluj; were invited 100 elderly people from FEC, partners, collaborators from local authorities, public institutions and NGOs in the same activity;
– 2% Campaign with the participation of members of the centers;
– Cooperation actions with the Association of Mutual Help – coordinator of the Association, Mrs. Kiss Liana – she provides every month several services of measurements for each beneficiary from our Foundation (blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index, fat on the internal organs);
– Cooperation with the publishing house “Transylvanian Echo” – printing the Foundation’s magazine – “Seniors from Cluj” every 3 months.
– Staff participation in professional conferences, round tables, seminars organized by professional organizations, local authorities and other institutions in the field;
Day Care Centre is also a center for training and professional development for physicians, nurses, social workers, caregivers, volunteers, and a professional practice center for socio-medical students.
Rental of recovery medical equipment:
Ongoing project since 2000, the Foundation for Elderly Care is equipped with devices like: crutches, metal walking frames, wheelchairs, toilet chair, hospital type beds, waterproof mattresses, decubitus mattresses, pulley, etc., for recovery of organic or functional deficiencies.
Our Foundation promotes and encourages volunteering for the benefit of the elderly. Since 2006 we enjoy a close collaboration with Pro Vobis – National Volunteer Center of Cluj-Napoca and Volunteer Center Cluj-Napoca, with which we had the chance to realize projects to develop volunteering among elderly people and involvement their voluntary activities to improve the quality of life of older people in need and maintain active elderly in the community.
For what they do they are well known and appreciated locally, nationally and internationally.
Awards won in the Gala Award Ceremony for Community Involvement, annually held by Volunteer Center Cluj-Napoca:
– Marcela Băleanu – award for “Senior Volunteer of the Year 2005“;
– Alexandru Cucu – the award for “Senior Volunteer of the Year 2007“;
Awards won in the Seniors Gala Awards 2012, organized by Caritas Confederation Romania:
– Alexandru Cucu – Diploma of Excellence and the title of Most Active senior volunteer;
– Ioan Vlas – Diploma of Excellence and the title of Most Active senior in art and culture area.
Participation of elderly volunteers at national and international projects:
– The “Stay active! Be a volunteer!” Project (2007-2009) – promoting volunteering seniors on national and international level:
– involvement of older volunteers in an exchange in Slovenia;
– greening an area in Câmpia Turzii;
– involvement of older volunteers in Habitat for Humanity project;
– participation of volunteers in the final conference in Brussels – Belgium.
– The “Voluntexpo” Project – volunteers from among our elderly beneficiaries participating every year at a traditionally fair for volunteering opportunities organized by Volunteer Center Cluj-Napoca.
– The “Living Library“ – a project which is, in fact, a person who is available to “readers” to share personal and professional experience; category volunteer aged 80 years, Mrs. Marcela Băleanu was “the living book“.