FEC’s Team
The FEC Chairman: Dr. DAN BACIU OCTAVIAN – Phone number: 0740 – 782 672
1. Home Health Care and Palliative Care Services
Coordinator: Ana Tudoran – Director of Nursing – main nurse
Ana Tudoran – graduated from the Health School Post-secondary Specialization Cluj in 1973 – general practice specialty. In the first years of professional activity she dedicated her efforts working in patient care and surgical intensive care units, then in primary practice care. In 1997 he graduated from the Higher Specialization Training for Nurses in Community Care, organized under the Ministry of Health of Romania and Baylor University Medical Center, USA.
Starting with the fall of 1997, in addition to the role of founding member of the Foundation, she was a trainer in the seminars organized for doctors, nurses and social workers and a volunteer in the incipient phases of the home care services. From 1999 she has become the nurse coordinator for the FECs coordinating Foundation projects, as follows: Palliative care services and at Home Health Care Services, Medical Physics Rehabilitation Centre , Adult Day Care Center for Elderly, Reminiscence Center.
The work that I am doing is everything I ever wanted in my professional life: it is about bringing good quality services by well trained professionals for satisfied patient needs. I fill confident that, through the home care services, nurses can play a more important role in the health care of Romania.
Viorica Matiș – main nurse, graduated from the Health Professional School Cluj in 1970, specialty general practice. In 2000 she graduated the training program “Care for incurable patient.” Since 2004 she is employed part-time work at the Foundation for Elderly Care to perform medical care at home. After 29 years of work and experience in the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy – Surgical I – County Emergency Hospital from Cluj, undertake full-time at FEC, she is dedicated professional with an excellent capacity for applying knowledge and confidence in performing the responsibilities, and provides support to people in need.
2. Social Work Services at Home
Project coordinator: Ramona Alina Pop – Licensed Social Worker;
Ramona Alina Pop was born in 1982. In July 2005 she got a degree in Sociology and Social Work. Since her first year at the Sociology and Social Work Faculty she was involved in voluntary activities such as: counseling and offering material support for children from poor families, socializing with homeless children from Cehu-Silvaniei Hospice, socializing and coordinating recreational activities for children with Down Sindrom, emotional support for abused women, running the program of alcohol dependence treatment (the 12 steps of AA and Al-Anon program), educational and therapeutic programs in 3 prisons from Romania, social integration activities for delinquent children (under the Prison Fellowship Foundation), and other activities in the field of social work for elderly people.
Since 2006 she has been working at Foundation of Elderly Care Cluj-Napoca as a social worker. She is a social worker – project coordinator and she is using her skills and abilities in working with people to create a pleasant environment and to respond to the needs of all the beneficiaries from FEC. She is also involved in activities with the purpose of teaching students to work with elder people.
In 2009, she graduated Master courses (2 years) in Communications and Public Relations of the Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Sociology department.
One of the important responsibilities that she has is coordinating the Volunteer Program of the Foundation. In her opinion, “the involvement of volunteers brings something new in the lives of older people by trying to meet their social needs, by “being there” next to these people, encouraging their feeling that they are not alone, isolated and that someone is thinking of them.
In 2009, she graduated a master’s degree of Babes-Bolyai University – Faculty of Social Work Cluj-Napoca, specialization: Social Communication and Public Relations.
Project coordinator: Raluca Ioana Kozsan – Licensed Social Worker
Raluca Kozsan was born in 1983. In 2006, she graduated in Sociology and Social Work Faculty, receiving a bachelor’s degree in February 2007. Since the student was involved in various volunteer activities, as follow: activities to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS among young people 15-25 years in Romania, especially in rural areas where access to information is limited; group activities: meetings for supervision at the organization Society for Contraceptive and Sexual Education (SECS) participated in trainings organized monthly. As a practitioner student, she involved in Family Planning Reference Center in Cluj-Napoca: providing information and decision support in the usefulness of contraception and family planning utility to avoid abortion. Also as a student practitioner, she was involved in the ”Early Intervention for Children Recovery School” run by the Christiana – Medical-Christian Philanthropic Association.
From March 2007, she has been working at Foundation of Elderly Care – Cluj-Napoca as a social worker – project coordinator. From this moment very seriously and dedication involved in activities at the Day Center for Elderly of the Foundation, and social services to beneficiaries residing. Also she engaged in training and practice of students assigned to the Foundation.
In 2009, she graduated Master courses (2 years) of the University of North – Faculty of Letters of Baia-Mare, specialty: Supervision in Social Services.
Mărioara Coța – In 1998 she graduated the National Program for training nurses. For 16 years she was a nurse in Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy – Surgical I – County Emergency Hospital from Cluj. Since 2011 she is employed as a nurse at the Foundation for Elderly Care, performing basic care at home through the social assistance beneficiaries of the Foundation.
Sorina Vâtcă – in 2008, she obtained Competence in Elderly Care at Home, occupational standard V3. In 2009-2011 she worked as a caretaker for the elderly in Iara City Hall, and from 2012 she is an employee at FEC, performing basic care for elderly at home through the social assistance beneficiaries of the Foundation.
3. Adult Day Care Center (ADC):
Time-table: Monday-Friday: 9,00 – 17,00
Leader: MARCELA BĂLEANU – pensioner, the president of the Elderly Committee
-VASILE BRUMAR – pensioner, vice-leader, responsible for discipline and trips
– ALEXANDRU CUCU – pensionar, in charge with the organisation of cultural-artistic programs
– IOAN VLAS – pensioner, in charge with the book and with Day Care Center magazine
– MARIA RUSU – pensioner, financial responsible
– TEODOR FETCHE – pensioner, responsible for organization of viewing theater programs
– DORINA NICOLAE – pensioner, responsible health
– ANA PURCEL – pensioner, in charge with the administrative – maintenance of cleanliness
– ARPAD POP – pensioner, in charge with maitenance in Day Care Center and green spaces
– ANA LIA SZABO – pensioner, responsible with the library
– GAVRILĂ NĂDĂȘAN – pensioner, in charge with green spaces
– ILIE TRÂNCĂ – pensioner, in charge with maintenance and green spaces